Wednesday, November 25, 2009

More Photos

Finally got to see some pics from John Staph's perspective.
Hope it brings back good memories!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

New Beginnings:Update

Ryan and I have been so busy since we got back from our wedding. There still hasn't been a honeymoon of any sort and not one for a while.
Please excuse my poor lack of update. I am so thankful for everyone being able to come to our wedding and how amazing everything turned out. Everyone worked so hard and I am so grateful for everyone that was part of our special day.
Thank you foremost to my Mom and Dad for everything you have done during my life (to prepare for such a precious moment). I love you so so much!
I am thankful for my friends that came out from California & New York!
Especially my relatives that came all the way from Japan!!
& my cooking team/ chef extrodinaire: Craig Sako, The Miyashiros, Kelli Takashima and Hiroko!!

Thank you to everyone for our lovely gifts & cards. They mean so much to us.

We moved to Pasadena in a really cute comfy but tiny 600 ft sq duplex behind a house. Its smaller than what we were used to but it came with a garage that we would eventually make into our office area. Ryan with his work and a sewing station for me. (see above panoramic picture of the house.)
It has tons of greenery around it...a bungalow style home. The park is right across the street with Old Town Pasadena just minutes away and a metro station within walking distance.
Here is our new addresse:
The Baxleys
1457 E Villa St.
Pasaden, CA, 91106

I am still working at my fashion internship which I think will come to a close soon. Please pray for guidance since I will not know with the economy so bad if I will be able to find a replacement soon. I am keeping busy with my own designs & there will be some collaborating with my talented friend, Danny Roberts.
You check out his blog here:
You can also check out our inspiration blog:

Ryan has also made a little wedding video capturing key moments. I'm sure we will make a longer version at a later time.
We also adopted a kitty. She was wandering outside looking lost and scared. We took her in and tried to find its owner but her collar had no tag or contact info. Its been roughly a week and no lost kitty signs are in sight. So, we've decided to keep her. I've named her Luna (after Luna Lovegood from Harry Potter). She is quite a rascal!

Saturday, April 18, 2009


Thank you so much to everyone that have sent us gifts. I adore all of them and will put them to good use soon! Ryan and I are trying to move to the LA area soon and most of our things are in boxes and scattered between his apartment and my storage, things have been somewhat chaotic.  I will be sending thank you cards and some type of photo out to you soon!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Wedding Picture Preview

The wedding was a success.  Thank you to all my wonderful friends and family that travelled to Hawaii for the occasion.  It was so much fun to hang out in Hawaii!!
Here are a few pictures.  I will post more later.